Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Do It Like A Brothaaa, Do It Like A Duuuude!

Right-o!! I had a request from my good friend to do a 5 Things post about her. Now. There's a million things I could write here about her, that part's easy; the difficult bit is WHAT to write. I've thought about it all day and I've decided to write 5 random things I love about her. So...since she asked so nicely, these are my 5 things I love about Georgia!!

  1. Her laugh! It's like the cross between a duck and a creaky door...and it's so loud! It seriously brightens my day :)
  2. Her singing! This kinds of explains the title...when we went bowling for PE we were listening to the radio on the minibus and 'Do it Like a Dude' by Jessie J came on. Now. We all belted it out like loonies, but then all of us (minus Georgia) stopped and all you could hear was Georgia's 'Do it like a brothaaaaaaaaa, do it like a duuuuuuuuuude!. (this is only one instance, but trust me, there's more of those)
  3. Her craziness! I know this is quite a general staement, but I really couldn't narrow it down...Georgia's the kind of person who carries on the joke until she's run out of funny things to say about it (which takes a LONG time) for example: she wrote a status on facebook and look what happened when I commented a joke...

  • Her hair! I know, it's a bit of a silly one, but this is my blog so nuuuuh :P I've known Gerogia for 7 ish years, and her hair has certainly evolved...but every she can pull off any style so its not really an embarassing thing unlike my *ahem* hairstyles. Anyway, I've seen it short, long, brown, highlighted, middle parting, side parting, PURPLE...the works. I hear that she's going to get it natural again which I'm excited for - not that I don't like her hair now, I just haven't seen her with brown hair for ages :)
  • Her strength! I don't mean her physical strength, because its so obvious she has it ;) I'm talking about her mental/emotional strength. I really do admire her for it. Life, being the bitch that it can sometimes be, has thrown all kinds of crap Georgia's way, alot of hardship and alot of stress. Yet, you wouldnt know it. Constantly, I see her smiling, laughing her freaky laugh and just having fun!  

So Georgia, I hope you have enjoyed a post dedicated soley to you! Peace out gym buddy.

Keep Safe and Keep Smiling!
Els x